Friday, July 26, 2013


Joshie Berger, on a recent "Atheist Nomads" podcast, discussed the Jewish practice of metzitzah b'peh, i.e., "sanitizing" the circumcision wound during a bris by having the mohel place his mouth directly on the boy's penis (!) and sucking out the blood. Yes, you read that correctly - you cannot make this sh*t up. This vile practice is frequently performed by the Hasidic and ultra-Orthodox Jewish communities of New York City (among other places).

This bizarre, archaic and frankly disgusting tradition sometimes results in the transmission to the baby of severe and even fatal infections, including the Herp.  Due to their poorly-developed immune systems, babies are unable to fight off the multitude of microbes found in the human mouth. The City of New York has been fighting to require Jewish parents to sign a "consent form" before metzitzah b'peh is practiced, stating that they have been informed of the risks inherent in the practice and are ok with proceeding. To date, New York has faced tremendous pressure from supporters of the practice and the city has been unable to implement a consent form requirement.

Here's an idea: since babies are catching serious diseases (and even dying) from this practice, how about we freaking outlaw it on public health grounds? Hell, we ought to outlaw it on moral grounds.

It's not bad enough that the god cults insist on carving up the genitals of little boys (and girls) - this particular cult has to follow that up with a some good old-fashioned ritual pedophilic fellatio.  Nice work, degenerates!

You can read more about this grotesque ceremony on this Wiki page, and on New York's efforts health concerns and the consent form here.

"It's just religion, what's the harm?"

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