Friday, July 19, 2013


Welcome to my new blog, Reality Based Life Forms, in which I will share with you my personal relationship with Reality.  That means that I see no proof whatsoever for the existence of gods or other supernatural phenomena. I do see anecdotal stories and feelings to which our human minds have assigned all kinds of meaning (the mind has been described as a "meaning-making machine").  We see patterns everywhere - even when they are not there.  Hence, religion.

Institutionalized religion, IMO, is nothing but a tool contrived to control people, in particular women and in particular regarding sexual and reproductive issues.  I view religion as an example of the mind inventing things to fill the gaps in our knowledge (where religion came from in the first place).  As science progresses, including our understanding of our own minds, and as humanity's sense of ethics evolves, the need for gods shrinks ever smaller.  I can believe the universe is an amazing, beautiful thing - and I do - but I see no need to attribute its existence to any omnipotent being(s).  Reality just IS - we should embrace it and make the most of our lives in the here and now.  Because that is all there is, folks - THIS ONE LIFE, right here, right now.

Let's start with a few guiding principles...

Rules of the Blog - None.  I will write what I want, when I want.  Thank the non-existent gods for the First Amendment to our secular U.S. Constitution. Read my thoughts if you want.

Language - Foul at times, perhaps.  Deal with it.

Sacred Cows, or Oxen to be Spared a Goring - None.

Things I Hate - Religion, Guns and Bigots (therefore, often, Republicans)

Organizations I Like:

Camp Quest
Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFrF)
Foundation Beyond Belief

Podcasts I Like:

The Thinking Atheist
Cognitive Dissonance
Freethought Radio
Ardent Atheist
Skeptically Yours
Ask An Atheist
The Atheist Experience
The Geologic Podcast

Join me for a journey through this thing called Life, my fellow reality-based life forms!

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