Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Today I caught wind of this little gem from Dana Perino (link), one of the many intellectual abortions over at Fox "News".  Seems Ms. Perino is "tired" of atheists, and is further of the opinion that if atheists don't like "under God" in the American pledge of allegiance, they should just leave the country.  

Isn't that special.  Here's a little note I dashed off to Ms. Perino this afternoon:

You may want to actually READ the First Amendment sometime, Perino, and contemplate that not everyone believes in the same mythical sky wizard that you do. That amendment protects your right to believe whatever religious nonsense you want.  However, realize that there are also millions of patriotic Americans who have no belief in gods whose rights are equally protected by the Establishment Clause.

Non-believers pay taxes, vote, and have as much right to live in this remarkable country as you do.

If you do not support the First Amendment of our secular U.S. Constitution and its Establishment Clause, then I suggest YOU leave the country and find yourself a nice theocracy in which to live.  Just remember to bring your burka, though, and realize that you'll have to leave the political pontificiating to the men-folk.

The fine folks over at "The Young Turks", and in particular host Cenk Uygur, put her in her place nicely here.  

Couldn't have said it better myself.  Keep doing gods work, Turks!  And to the folks at Faux News who think atheists should just leave the country - after you, ladies.

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